Tuesday, December 7, 2010

November Re-Cap.

 I have fallen very behind on this so here is a re-cap of the past month or so..

We moved into our new place over Halloween weekend and have been non-stop since!  We are finally settled and unpacked (most of our stuff is in storage) as we continue to house hunt and get to know the area.

Even though we were buried in boxes we still managed to dress Sophie up for Halloween.  She was a Butterfly Fairy (yes, I made the costume as you might be able to tell).  She loved all the sparkles and her wings!  We didn't trick or treat but did parade around the neighborhood a bit! 

Tom's parents came out for a week during Thanksgiving and we packed in a ton:  Sonoma, Muir Woods, Sausalito, In n' Out Burger and an awesome Thanksgiving dinner!  We loved having them here and it made us miss all of our family and friends even more when they left. 
Thank you so much for coming out - it meant so much to us!  We hope to have more visitors soon!

Muir Woods


Thanksgiving Blueberry Pie - YUM!
Downtown Sonoma
Swinging in Sonoma
We are gearing up for our first Christmas in California and trying to get used to the idea that we aren't buried in snow!  More soon.